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Sep 30, 2021

STEM SENC (Reconnect Rural and Urban)

STEM SENC is a partnership that supports science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education, driven by the conviction that “all learners, regardless of ability, sex/gender, race, culture, economic status, or geographic location” deserve access to high-quality STEM educations, because these educations serve as pathways to economic success, societal betterment, and critical understanding of our changing world. 

First in Future Live logo

Aug 17, 2021

First in Future: Power Of Affordability In Increasing Attainment with Toni Blount, Martha Quillin and Abdur-Raqib Gant

In this episode, we focus on the "Power of Affordability In Increasing Attainment" with guests Toni Blount - Regional Impact Manager, myFutureNC; Abdur-Raqib Gant - NCA&T student, and Martha Quillin - News and Observer reporter. 

Connected Podcast logo

Aug 16, 2021

Connected: Cooperative Extension’s role in digital inclusion

In this inaugural episode of the “Connected” podcast series, host Maggie Woods (IEI Policy and Program Manager and BAND-NC Program Director) speaks to Kenny Sherin (Randolph County Extension Director and the Broadband Access and Education Coordinator for NC Cooperative Extension) about Cooperative Extension’s role in digital inclusion. 

Aug 3, 2021

Mixxer Community Makerspace (Reconnect to Community)

Mixxer is a makerspace: a building kitted out with a wide array of hardware, ranging from lathes, drill presses, and sewing machines to laser cutters, 3D printers, and arduino kits.… 

Jun 25, 2021

Director’s Log | June 2021

The Summer of Soar?  Summertime and the living is… frenzied. At least if you work in local government. Cities and counties and school systems are still trying to find ways… 

First in Future Live logo

Jun 22, 2021

First in Future: Role of Counties in Recovery with Rep. Dean Arp & Kevin Leonard and Paige Worsham with the NCACC

In this episode, we focus on the "Role of Counties in Recovery" with guests Rep. Dean Arp, R-Union; Kevin Leonard, Exec. Dir. NCACC; Paige Worsham, Assoc. General Council, NCACC. Pandemic financial relief is coming from the federal government. We discuss about how do we make sure we use it wisely to make a full recovery, and possibly even come back stronger than we were before the pandemic? 

First in Future Live logo

May 25, 2021

First in Future: Rev. Dr. Dawn Baldwin Gibson and Michael Maher

In this First in Future episode, we focus on the return to school resembling something normal, and how do we get our kids back on track and recover from what they lost? Our guests are Michael Maher, Executive Director of the Office of Learning Recovery and Acceleration at the state Department of Public Instruction, and Rev. Dr. Dawn Baldwin Gibson, Superintendent of the Peletah Center for Academic Excellence in eastern NC. 

First in Future Live logo

Apr 28, 2021

First in Future: Dr. Karrie Dixon and Dr. Kuldeep Rawat of Elizabeth City State University

The Institute for Emerging Issues, in a four part series, will be focusing on the state’s Historically Black Colleges and Universities – a group of 10 colleges and universities stretching across the state formed to ensure that African Americans had access to higher education. This episode is with President Dr. Karrie Dixon and Dr. Kuldeep Rawat of Elizabeth City State University. 

First in Future Live logo

Apr 13, 2021

First in Future: Dr. Paulette Dillard of Shaw University and Suzanne Walsh of Bennett College

The Institute for Emerging Issues, in a four part series, will be focusing on the state’s Historically Black Colleges and Universities – a group of 10 colleges and universities stretching across the state formed to ensure that African Americans had access to higher education. This episode is with Dr. Paulette Dillard, President of Shaw University and Suzanne Walsh, President of Bennett College. 

First in Future Live logo

Mar 31, 2021

First in Future: Harold L. Martin Sr. – Chancellor of NC A&T

The Institute for Emerging Issues, in a four part series, will be focusing on the state’s Historically Black Colleges and Universities – a group of 10 colleges and universities stretching across the state formed to ensure that African Americans had access to higher education. This episode is with Dr. Harold L. Martin Sr., Chancellor of NC A&T State University.