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Faith & Community

Moving forward together.
Wrestling with realities.
Building capacity for the long haul.

About Faith & Community

The Faith and Community Initiative (formerly Rural Faith Communities as Anchor Institutions Program) at IEI has existed in partnership with The Duke Endowment since 2015 to fold rural North Carolina faith leaders into local and statewide leadership on emerging issues. IEI invites rural faith leaders to our Emerging Issues Forum and our annual Faith and Community Conference. We provide technical assistance on community-congregation partnerships throughout the year. Our network is over 400 clergy, lay leaders, and partners.

duke endowment logo
Faith & Community is made possible through the generous funding of the Duke Endowment.

2024 Faith & Community Annual Conference

April 15 & 16, 2024 | Asheboro, NC

Questions? Contact:

Ellen Beasley

Faith and Community Initiative Lead