IEI Welcomes Alicia Shelton to Business Operations Team
The Institute for Emerging Issues (IEI) at NC State University is excited to welcome Alicia Shelton as its new Administrative Support Specialist.
Q: Tell us a bit about your background and how you came to IEI.
A: I graduated from UNC Greensboro where I majored in Design, working with fashion design and interior design. My previous job involved coordinating and executing numerous events for families and children. In every position I have had the pleasure of working in, it seems I have always been the go-to person for events and decor as well as long range planning. My work for corporate organizations, schools and churches have all prepared me for a variety of tasks that have been useful in all aspects of my life. I also created a side hustle for interior design, events and organization.
Q: What interests you about working at IEI? (Is there a particular program or area of work you’re most excited about?)
A: To me, one of the purposes of IEI is to help others in our state and to address issues that we all face. This work is inspiring to me. I believe giving to the community and working for equality for all people in our state as well as the world is one of the most important tasks we have. We need to unite our world, and knowledge is one of the best ways to do that. IEI is a group that has been and will continue to embrace the philosophy of knowledge giving us power, and with this power we can all do great things.
Q: What do you believe is the biggest emerging issue facing our state?
A: One issue that stands out for me is food insecurity for so many North Carolinians. We can do a better job of helping our neighbors to meet their basic needs which includes food. It is difficult to believe that in this day and time we have so many families struggling to put food on the table while we waste enormous amounts of food daily. We must become more educated on how to help others in this area and to make this a part of our everyday life, not just something we do once a month or on the weekends. If we all see each other as equals and work towards all having what we need, we can make this problem go away or at the very least greatly diminish it.
Q: What kinds of things do you like to do for fun?
A: Walking and being outdoors is energizing to me. One of my favorite things is to work in my flower gardens. Oddly enough, I really enjoy shoveling mulch—don’t judge—I love the way it transforms the landscape. Decorating and creating new things are also at the top of my list.
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