Resource Library
The “Basics”
The Boston Basics: Identifies five principles of parent-child engagement that have the potential to tip the balance on improving developmental outcomes for young children. Has become a learning network of communities across the country implementing these practices.
Basics Randolph: The “basics” as used in this central NC county.
Business Case for High-Quality Childcare
Social-Emotional Skills in Early Childhood Support Workforce Success, Council for a Stronger America. A report that examines how character skills formed in early childhood contribute to building a strong workforce.
Leading the Way: A Guide for Business Engagement in Early Education, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation. A toolkit that provides resources for the business community to advance access to high-quality, affordable childcare.
Building Family Forward Workplaces, Family Forward NC. An initiative to improve children’s health and well-being and keep North Carolina’s businesses competitive.
Chronic Absenteeism
Attendance Counts, NC Early Childhood Foundation. A toolkit and other resources for communities to use in their work to engage districts in chronic absence.
Talking about Early Childhood Development, FrameWorks Institute. The Frameworks Institute works directly with early childhood development advocates to craft effective communications strategies.
Reframing Early Childhood Development and Learning in Alamance County. The Frameworks Institute. August 2016.
A Frameworks Communications Toolkit for Alamance County. The Frameworks Institute.
Heckman Equation. Focuses on the return on investment of high-quality early childhood development by Nobel Prize winner James Heckman.
NC Early Childhood Integrated Data System (ECIDS)
KIDS COUNT data center, NC Child
NC County Health Data Book, NC Dept. of Health and Human Services
NC County Data cards, NC Child
NC Social Determinants of Health by Regions database, NC Dept. of Health and Human Services. GIS-based database allows mapping at the Census Tract level of economic, housing, transportation and “social and neighborhood” indicators that impact health.
The Opportunity Atlas, Opportunity Insights. Explore which neighborhoods America offer children the best chance to rise out of poverty.
Financing Early Childhood Programs
Local Funding for Early Learning: A Community Toolkit, North Carolina Early Childhood Education
Parent and Family Engagement
Full, Equal and Equitable Partnerships with Families, Connecticut Department of Education. Common definition and framework of family engagement to encourage shared understanding and collaboration.
Parent, Family, and Community Engagement (PFCE) Framework, Head Start. An interactive framework to find research, resources, and regulations related to program foundations, program impact areas, family engagement outcomes, and child outcomes.
The Engagement Imperative, MDC. Using Forsyth Family Voices as an example, this report shows the importance and the benefits of engaging families with young children to guide local grantmaking and strengthen the early childhood systems.
Racial Equity
Applying an Equity Lens to Social, Emotional, and Academic Development, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Identifies five barriers that contribute to inequitable access to a high-quality SEL education and provides five opportunities for overcoming those barriers.
Kirwan Institute: Implicit Bias Training Modules. A free, online training resource.
Results Based Accountability (RBA)
The Results-Based Accountability Guide, Clear Impact
RBA Implementation Guide. A comprehensive resource for the RBA community.
Social-Emotional Health and ACES
“Brains: Journey to Resilience”, Alberta Family Wellness Initiative. Learn about the resilience scale in this scientifically rigorous (and cinematically epic) video created by the AFWI in consultation with the FrameWorks Institute and the Harvard Center on the Developing Child.
“Brain Architecture Game”, Alberta Family Wellness Initiative. The Brain Architecture Game is a tabletop game experience that builds an understanding of the powerful role of experiences on early brain development – what promotes it, what derails it, with what consequences for society.
North Carolina Resilience and Learning Project, Public School Forum of North Carolina. The NC Resilience and Learning Project works with high poverty schools across the state where trauma is prevalent in their student population. The model is a whole school, whole child framework to create trauma-sensitive schools that will improve academic, behavioral, and social-emotional outcomes for students.
Stress and Resilience: How Toxic Stress Affects Us, and What We Can Do About It, Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University. Video and resources about toxic stress, its effects, and what can be done to deal with it on an individual level and community level.
State Level Policy
Barriers to Expansion of NC Pre-K: Problems and Potential Solutions, National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER). About 33,000 more children are eligible for NC Pre-K, but lack access; this report identifies barriers and potential solutions.
Early Childhood Action Plan, North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services. This action plan provides feedback on how both public and private sectors can take action to improve outcomes for children in North Carolina by the year 2025 with a lot of attention to metrics and data.
Think Babies™ Policy Priorities. Multiple fact sheets and infographics on a variety of early childhood policies.
Pathways Measures of Success & Action Framework, North Carolina Early Childhood Foundation. Framework to improve literacy outcomes for children and ways to measure progress.
Third Grade Reading
What Works for Third Grade Reading, NC Pathways to Grade Level Reading Initiative. Primer series written by Janice Gruendel examining 12 key influences on 3rd grade reading, including “Social-Emotional Health” and “High Quality Birth-through-age-Eight Early Care and Education”
“An overview of evidence-based literacy interventions in North Carolina,” Read Charlotte. An article from the executive director of Read Charlotte discussing evidence-based literacy interventions.
“What Works,” Read Charlotte. An overview of key findings from a review of education and social programs.