First in Future: Secretary of North Carolina Department of Military & Veterans Affairs Larry Hall
Summary: In honor of Independence Day, July 4th, First in Future’s guest is the secretary of North Carolina Department of Military & Veterans Affairs, Larry Hall. He is responsible for taking care of the state’s obligations to a huge number of active duty and retired members of the military – in all close to 1 million residents of our state. His department helps them apply for benefits, runs job transition programs, nursing homes, even cemeteries. Listen out for his thoughts on the economic impact of the military, the changing role of active duty military across the world and the role that veterans can play as “culture carriers” in our state. He also reminds his fellow Marines, once a Marine, always a Marine and once a state senator, always a former state senator.
This installment of First in Future is part of a special TV series produced in collaboration with UNC-TV, and is recorded in UNC-TV’s Studios. Taped segments will air on the North Carolina Channel. Visit for specific air dates.
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