First in Future: Co- Director of the New Leaders Council of North Carolina Michael Cooper
Summary: A scene is repeated in cities across the state, this company leaves, that plant closes or fails, and it rocks the town to it’s core. Now imagine you are a new attorney fresh from law school who grew up in Wilkes County, an area suffering the loss of Lowes Foods and Lowe’s Home Improvement headquarters. If you are this week’s First in Future guest, Michael Cooper, the co-director of New Leaders Council of North Carolina, you move back to make a change. You go to court everyday to help your community; you join every board that you think can make a difference and you write stories and columns to inspire about what is possible.
This installment of First in Future is part of a special TV series produced in collaboration with UNC-TV, and is recorded in UNC-TV’s Studios. Taped segments will air on the North Carolina Channel. Visit for specific air dates.
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