Director’s Log | January 2018
Dear Friends:
We’ve been tweeting and squawking at you. We’ve been reminding you on radio and TV and a series of podcasts.
So we know you’ve been thinking about it. Now it’s time (deadline Friday, January 26!) to REGISTER for the Emerging Issues Forum 2018, kidoNomiCs!
But don’t JUST come by yourself. Here are the top five things/people you should bring with you.
- Bring a new or gently used (no bite marks) children’s book with you. As part of the Forum, we’re working with Reach Out and Read Statewide Book Drive.
- Bring a team from your county with you. We’ll be announcing a new county-based initiative designed to help community groups test out new strategies for improving early childhood service delivery.
- Bring your company’s HR director with you. You’ll have a chance to hear how early childhood strategies can build a stronger future workforce and improve employee retention at your business (see full story).
- Bring your favorite parent with you. You’ll learn what is happening in the state to link early childhood services to kindergarten.
- Bring your cellphone with you. You need to have photographic evidence that you really DID meet Walkaround Elmo.
There are a lot more reasons to come. February 5 will, after all be the 1201st anniversary of Frankish emperor Louis granting Archbishop Salzburg immunity. You will be itching to wear your team colors the day after the Super Bowl. And where else do you get to see everyone you’ve been meaning to network with all year?
Most importantly, come to get enriched with new exciting ideas about how we can do better for our youngest citizens. They need YOU to be all that they can be.
See you February 5!
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