First in Future: CEO and editor-in-chief of EducationNC Mebane Rash
Summary: The words “public policy” conjure up images in the mind of legislative or municipal hearings or cubes of bureaucrats, but this week’s guest want to find a way to put the public in public policy. Mebane Rash is the CEO and editor-in-chief of EducationNC and the N.C. Center for Public Policy Research and EdNC is looking for ways to get people who are concerned about education feeling like we have ability to participate in what happens. Mebane feels like the best ideas really do emerge from talking across lines of division in town halls and town squares, coffee shops and breweries. This week’s First in Future explores her thoughts on civil discourse and social capital, civic participation and public education, and the connective power of coffee.
This installment of First in Future is part of a special TV series produced in collaboration with UNC-TV, and is recorded in UNC-TV’s Studios. Taped segments will air on the North Carolina Channel. Visit for specific air dates.
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