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Assessing Early Childhood Reading in Rural North Carolina

Yet another compelling reason to join us in February to learn more on designing, implementing and funding early childhood initiatives in your local communities…

A recent report released by the NC Rural Health Leadership Alliance (NCRHLA) highlights the greater challenges facing children in rural communities—compared to their non-rural peers—along the pathway to grade-level reading in North Carolina. This analysis of thirteen education, health and family/community indicators highlighted by the NC Pathways to Grade Level Reading Initiative shows a need to prioritize rural communities, fill critical data gaps, understand differences among rural communities, and spotlight rural best practices.

The report was written by the NCRHLA Early Childhood work group, co-chaired by the Institute for Emerging Issues and NC Pediatric Society, and included representatives from fourteen other organizations. The full announcement can be read here.


Pat Cronin is the assistant director for policy and programs at IEI.